5 Pregnancy Super Foods
Sep 29, 2023
Hey mama did you find out you were pregnant and suddenly feel more aware of what you are eating? Then all of the questions started to flood in?
- Wait, is this sandwich okay?
- I once heard something about sushi and pregnancy, what was that?
- I had a glass of wine right before I found out I was pregnant, did I hurt my baby?
Many of us have been through this anxiety and an internet search only seems to add to it.
When it comes to pregnancy nutrition, we often aren't told what we should actually be eating, or how to feel confident in nourishing our growing baby.
Through pregnancy you may still get all those questions listed above (and them some), but today I am here to share with you 5 pregnancy super foods that you can be confident in eating!
1. Eggs
Eggs are a nutrient powerhouse for pregnancy! They are so rich in protein, B vitamins, healthy fats and choline which is essential to a growing embryo, fetus, and then baby! A recent study showed that mom's who consumed more choline in their pregnancy had better brain development and pregnancy outcomes. Plus, it is also essential for neural tube development though folate gets all the press. Aim for 2-3 eggs daily if you can stomach them!
2. Salmon
Hello omega 3s! Salmon is one of the best sources of DHA that you can get when you are pregnant, and studies show that children from mom's who ate more DHA/Omega 3s while pregnant have better test scores in childhood. Sign me up! Adding salmon to your diet 2x per week is sufficient.
3. Milk
Milk (cow's milk specifically) is a great source of all macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat), as well as fat soluble vitamins and minerals. Many pregnant women find that they crave milk, and it is usually because their body needs the iodine we can get from milk-along with the calcium that we usually think of. Aim for a good serving a milk each day if you can!
4. Spinach
Did someone say folate? Spinach is a great plant based option for folate, along with many vitamins and minerals that are essential for baby building. Try to make these leafy greens a weekly staple in your fridge.
5. Beef
Beef is an incredible powerhouse of nutrients, from iron, B vitamins, zinc and choline, red meat packs high levels of each of those nutrients. Protein, of course is essential to baby building and it supports all the growth and changes going on in your own body. Aim for multiple servings a week.
These foods are amazing but you may be sitting here thinking:
- I don't like salmon....
- Eggs make my morning sickness worse...
- I haven't drank milk in years...
Thoughts like these are common! So what should you be eating instead?
Inside my Baby Building Bootcamp I go over all of the ins and outs of prenatal nutrition, pregnancy side effects, and how to balance everything to fit your needs and preferences. I want you to be confident in fueling your pregnant body!
If you are still needing some insight into pregnancy nutrition, join Baby Building Bootcamp today!!
Hey mama! If you want more information on how you can THRIVE in each stage of motherhood (pregnancy, postpartum, or trying) check out my program video linked below and reach out to me with any questions!