1st Trimester Must Haves

Oct 10, 2023
Hi mama friend!
I am attributing my (mildly) easy first trimester to the pregnancy nutrition practices that I have been preaching for over the last few years. I truly LOVED pregnancy. There are some specific things that I implemented that I think will help you as well.
Let's cut right to it...Here are some of my first trimester faves:
(note, some of these are affiliate links, you can use them or not!)

Moon Cheese


Lol I've seriously lived off this! A great protein + fat source to pair with any snack. They helped my nausea soooo much, and were pretty mild to taste. I kept them in my work bag, car, and pantry at all times. 

Prenatal capsules

These are one of the most comprehensive prenatals on the market, BUT I struggled swallowing full pills. I would break these open into a smoothie, or orange juice and that made it so much easier to continue taking my prenatal vitamin. They also make a powder supplement from Needed, which I love as well. 

A Large, insulate water bottle

This was definitely a must as I aimed for 100 oz of fluid each day. Optimal hydration is so important for combatting morning sickness, headaches, nausea, cramps, and keeping up with amniotic fluid production!

Ginger chews

These were really helpful for the slight nausea I did feel. The mango, lemon, and orange flavors are my fave, I didn't own a bag that didn't have a handful at all times!

Cat naps!

15-30 minutes in the afternoon were crucial for me to get through the first 3 months! This is actually something that gave me away... I told my mom that I had taken a nap one day and she immediately asked if I was pregnant. 
There are so many things that can have a positive impact on your pregnancy, and so many things that could make it worse... All of which I teach in Baby Building Bootcamp! You can join with the links below if you need some additional pregnancy help to get through this crucial time in your life + you baby's. 
xoxo Lauran

Hey mama! If you want more information on how you can THRIVE in each stage of motherhood (pregnancy, postpartum, or trying) check out my program video linked below and reach out to me with any questions!

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